Western Art’s Newest Jam

– Big Life Magazine


 Rudi x Traeger x Wolakota

The sacred bond between the Lakota and the Tatanka was almost destroyed when early American settlers hunted the bison to near extinction. The Wolakota project is working with the US Dept. of Interior and the World Wildlife Fund to regenerate native buffalo to their homelands #makebuffalonativeagain. This large scale project aims to:

1) Provide cultural opportunities by revitalizing the relationship with buffalo that is grounded in Lakota history, culture, and education
2) Initiate environmental regeneration by improving the health and resilience of the prairie ecosystem indigenous to the Sandhills
3) Combat climate change by increasing the sequestration of carbon thereby reducing atmospheric greenhouse gases
4) Strengthen food sovereignty by improving access to fresh, healthy, sustainable, and humanely-sourced meat
5) Create economic opportunity by providing jobs, increasing investment, and bringing new industries to our people

To learn more about this project or make a donation of any size visit:
